
Mar 03, 19

Hello! I’m now well into the process of sorting out what material I have to pick from and/or develop further. I’m currently down to no less than 54 pieces of music that could be interesting… Sounds like much but I think it will be reduced pretty quickly ones I start to boil it down. I still have quite some material left to go through but it is currently inaccessible, and I need to re-acquaint myself with Reason and Sibelius (recording and music notation software) to access them. I’m actually very happy to do this. I started recording stuff a long time ago and being a computerish person I also made backups of everything to this point. I found recording projects on my external hard drive dating back to 2005. I doubt that there’s much there to revive for this project but measured in nostalgica it’s time well spent.

I’ve also started to be in contact with some recording studios to get some idea of what options there is for recording. I am not looking to make one classical cd-length-record with the same constellation/instrumentation but rather, depending on the tune, make smaller clusters of songs that share some common thread. I’m also interested in picking some of the songs that I especially like, and make two versions: one stripped down (smaller setting) and one more arranged for a larger setting. I think that as I proceed in picking the material, the format of the recording/instrumentation will also become clear.

I feel pretty sure that one part of this project is going to music that is very stripped down. The video clip below is from a song I wrote in Italy a couple of years ago that I want to record.

Video : Untitled