Getting closer
Apr 19, 19Hello. The last two weeks I’ve been a bit more sparse on updating the blog. Thankfully that doesn’t mean that I’m not making progress on the project, on the contrary actually. It is now only two weeks left until the first recording session starts and there’s obviously a lot to prepare for that. I wish to use the time in the studio in the best way I can and so I’m making a lot of effort to planning and being as prepared as I possibly can. The processing playlist that plays goes like:
- compose the song
- write it down
- record demo,
- get input on it
- loop 1-4 on shuffle
Hm.. it can feel dulling to describe the creative process by stating it like above, especially if it kind of rules how one work. In this case though, its just a retrospective observation on how I tend to work (although obviously derived from somewhere). It is an interesting topic though, the one on how one can feel free and use the creative potential in a good and relaxed way without getting distracted by things like rules, stress, performance anxiety and the many more things that can obstruct. I think that this subject is unavoidable to encounter if you engage in any creative activity for a longer time. It would be fun to write a post about just that topic as it is something I’ve spent much (to much?) time thinking and experimenting with. Anyway, I’m down-prioritizing the philosophy at the moment… I need to make music ;).
Something very important to me and the project is the people (friends) that will join in the recording. As I’m now approaching finishing all the songs and soon time for recording I have started rehearsing and invite more friends to join. I haven’t really disclosed any of them here yet but I plan to =)· Below is me and my good friend Alfred working through some music. Alfred will join and play piano on a few songs and I’m very happy to have him with me!
So the coming project-time I will have a bunch of rehearsals, going through music, and keep planning and practicing for the recording. I probably need to look over my guitars as well, as they have strings from the 18th century on them. As always I like to end with a snippet of music for you, here is me practicing and jamming on the end of one of the songs to be recorded.
Video : untitled waltz